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Alan Olav Walker, formerly known as DJ Walkzz, is a British-Norwegian record producer and DJ.He is best known for his electronic dance music (EDM) single "Faded", which has already gathered over 177 million views on YouTube since being uploaded two year ago, quickly receiving gold and platinum certifications in more than 32 countries.


Alan Olav Walker, formerly known as DJ Walkzz, is a British-Norwegian record producer and DJ.He is best known for his electronic dance music (EDM) single "Faded", which has already gathered over 177 million views on YouTube since being uploaded two year ago, quickly receiving gold and platinum certifications in more than 32 countries. 最新曲が多数ランクイン。デイリーランキングは毎日更新。流行曲・ヒット曲をレコチョクでダウンロード。シングル 2020/06/23 2020/06/14 2017/05/22


Dylan’s music has been featured on over 70 radio stations since 2013, reviewed in over 40 music publications, and his music video "He Loves Carmen Remix (Radio Edit)" was shown on Channel 98 TV in Israel in December, 2017. 2020/01/03